New collection of stories by Sri Chinmoy's students


On Sri Chinmoy's Sunlit Path is a collection of stories by nearly 100 disciples of Sri Chinmoy, talking about their experiences studying meditation under his guidance.

The book is split into different sections according to the different types of stories , including:  'Joining the Path', 'Meditation and Transformation', 'Self-Transcendence', 'Experiences with Sri Chinmoy', 'Life and Death', 'An Inner Connection' and 'Service'.

"I left the lecture feeling a deep sense of peace and a joyful, exuberant feeling in my heart. This really was what I had been looking for" Abhinabha Tangerman, student of Sri Chinmoy's from Holland (from 1st story)

For more information, extracts and how to order - please view: On Sri Chinmoy's Sunlit Path"

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